Friday, June 24, 2011

035. Patterns

Still beside the seaside, but a less obvious picture today - inspired by found patterns at Sina's blog. Her day 33 piece was called "A dog eared sky"; my companion piece is called "Table top"

you do not believe in science, in molecules, but in the nebulosity you call nature. a crystal is only for you a shard of pretty stone, brought to sparkles by hard work polishing. if I try to explain, that a thing is not blue, it is simply reflecting that wavelength of light, you tell me that atoms don't really exist. you won't back down but on this I will not defer, and so we both go on believing we are right in our minds. I know that solid matter only seems so, that it is made up of points and space and atomic forces, and space. But no matter how, I can't put my finger into the space...

1 comment:

  1. nice. i like the images in particular. interesting collision of imaginaries in the writing...i'd be interested to have a map of the particle fields it generates, in what's beneath the agreement to disagree. but that's the way my head works maybe.
