Friday, June 10, 2011

021. Fire

Today, Sina Bo Bina of provided the inspiration with a fluid, spilling fiery piece called Fire in Mind. She shows us two pictures, steps in the creative process, and I love the first version, for me it has more energy than the later one. My piece alongside comes from a 2x 6 haiku set called Robbed & Mugged written in 2010. The haiku for the piece is also strangely apt today; relationships never seem to tie off neatly.

Repeated goodbyes
touched to fiery sparks, puddled
blisters left to heal.


  1. Relationships have been on my mind lately as well...the dying gasps of one, and perhaps a new one on the horizon. Those goodbyes are very much like puddled blisters. And your image looks like a frame out of one of the original Star Trek episodes somehow.

    Thanks for your support--words and links!

  2. Love the Star Trek analgoy Sina! The picture is actually from Staffa, near to Fingal's cave; it's a pool of sea-water lying in the top of a worn hexagonal basalt column. One of my favourite images ever ;)
