Friday, July 8, 2011

049. Monochrome

The last couple of days I have been happy to see Catherine Singer has some new posts over at 100 Days of Art 2000 - Iceland. I could pick every picture for inspiration but I chose today her "Small 1" for the beautiful simplicity of the image, and the monochrome palette. Paired with a heavily cropped & edited image from Iceland in 2009. The base of the image was a pattern in a bubbling grey mud pool. and some colour/overpainting was added in the editing process.  Today I am very concious of time pressures, & the gaps in this 100 days that I need to go back and fill; but I wanted to post today's so that the backlog would not prevent me from keeping going.

"They" say Hekla will erupt soon, but soon means different things to journalists and to geologists.
Your timescales are different to mine, but the colour in my world is there because of you.


  1. I just saw Catherine's photo this morning (wading through all the work finds me often behind on everyone's stream!) and I'm hoping to use it, too!

    Your words here are particularly poignant, the different things to journalists & geologists, that calls to mind such rich ideas with very few words.

  2. I stumbled over inspiration tonight, and having posted tomorrow's entry (Day 54) already, I'm calling this Day 54 1/2. I culled some words from you and other 100 Days artists and I just wanted to let you know. Thanks!
